During my visit to Ghana in 2018 I decided to help support a school outside of the capital city of Accra, Ghana.  Donating pencils and notebooks to each students in the school.  After meeting with the headmaster and teachers, compiled a list of needed items for the school and students.  Some of the items include books, water stations for washing hands, toiletries.  Eventually would love to provide some computers for the students so they can access the internet !

It was then decided to donate percentage of profits from the sales to help provide for the students and build various school libraries.

I approached the Surrey School District about partnering for used books to Ghana! After committing to help the first school, it was a success. In 2019, we sent over 1,000 books to build our first library. Shipping Solely funded by Naa Sheka.

After a lengthy delay we were able to pick the program back up in 2023. This time we sent over 2,000 books, two pallets building two libraries, one for elementary and secondary school.


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